Meet the Board | Coastal Partnership East

Meet the Board

Our Board is responsible for providing strategic direction for and champions the Partnership. It ensures the effective and equitable delivery of coastal management services across the Partnership area, agrees the overall work programme, and facilitates appropriates resources. The Board does not have decision making powers; it makes recommendations to each partner authority.

Cllr Harry Blathwayt
Cllr Harry Blathwayt

CPE Chair 2024-25,
Portfolio Holder for Coast
North Norfolk District Council

Cllr Noel Galer
Cllr Noel Galer

East Flegg Ward Councillor
Great Yarmouth Borough Council

Cllr Kay Yule
Cllr Kay Yule

Cabinet Member for
Planning and Coastal Management
East Suffolk Council

Cllr Callum Ringer
Cllr Callum Ringer

Portfolio Holder for IT, 
Environmental & Waste Services
North Norfolk District Council

Cllr Paul Wells
Cllr Paul Wells

Cabinet Member for Environment & Sustainability, Waste & Licensing
Great Yarmouth Borough Council

Cllr David Beavan
Cllr David Beavan

Cabinet Member for Housing
East Suffolk Council

Operational Officer Group

Our Operational Officer Group (OOG) provides operational guidance and considers staffing matters. The OOG supports the functions of the Board.

Nick Khan
Nick Khan

Strategic Director
East Suffolk Council

Steve Blatch
Steve Blatch

Chief Executive
North Norfolk District Council

Natasha Hayes
Natasha Hayes

Executive Director - Place
Great Yarmouth Borough Council

Philip Ridley
Philip Ridley

Head of Planning and 
Coastal Management
East Suffolk Council

Martyn Fulcher
Martyn Fulcher

Director for Place and Climate Change
North Norfolk District Council

Michael Horton
Michael Horton

Head of Property and Asset Management
Great Yarmouth Borough Council

East Suffolk Council
Great Yarmouth Borough Council
North Norfolk District Council

Meet the Board | Coastal Partnership East