Coastal Partnership East is responsible for 92km of the 173km of coast in Norfolk and Suffolk, from Holkham in North Norfolk to Landguard Point in Felixstowe. There are approximately 352,000 people who live in the direct coastal zone and many more that work on and visit our coast.
The Norfolk and Suffolk coast is of recreational, environmental, economic and cultural importance but it is also home to industry (energy, ports and logistics, digital, food and drink and creative sector) agriculture and tourism. In addition, there are a large number of second and holiday homes situated in our coastal towns and villages.
Responding proactively to this situation, East Suffolk Council, North Norfolk District Council and Great Yarmouth Borough Council agreed to a partnership model to address these jointly shared issues.
The partner local authorities who make up Coastal Partnership East all have coast protection responsibilities under the Coast Protection Act 1949 – they are what is known as Risk Management Authorities. This means that they have permissive powers, not duties, to manage the coast whether this is through coastal adaptation, building new coastal/erosion defences, monitoring changes or repairing and maintaining existing defences.
Coastal Partnership East is the coastal management team who carry this out on behalf of the partner authorities.